Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday Already?

Is it really Wednesday already? Things have been quite busy around here, but in a really good way. A few notable happenings from the past few days:

I took my first yoga class EVER on Saturday morning. I signed up for a five week session for beginners at a lovely little studio. The teacher is very warm and welcoming, and the class is wonderful. I felt so relaxed when I walked out the door. I can't wait to explore the practice a lot more in the coming weeks.

On Sunday A and I took a trip with friends to a farm in our area for some apple picking, warm cider, animal watching and corn maze racing. We were a bit like little kids (the maze was full of parents with their children), but we had a wonderful time. I have a pile of apples sitting in my kitchen just waiting to be made into a pie, apple sauce, apple cobbler, apple muffins... I could go on.

In the spirit of getting more active, my dear friend Brit and I took our first Zumba class on Monday evening! Seriously, why did I not try this years ago? The music is so energizing and the dance moves are really fun. We laughed and smiled for the entire 1.5 hours we were sweating it out. We went back for more tonight!

I hope everyone is having a fun, eventful week so far!


  1. I love zumba! So much fun. Have fun making all of your apple treats! :)

  2. I certainly will! Fall is by far my favorite season of the year :)


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