Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Getting Cozy

I am fairly happy with the design of my first apartment (pictures hopefully coming soon, once I clean up a bit!). The big exception, however, is the bedroom. I can't even bring myself to share it with you all. To be frank, it's highly embarrassing!

I find that whenever I shop for design elements to incorporate, I rarely consider the bedroom because the only people who see it are A. and I. I really want to work on making it a place we actually want to be in. Right now, we avoid it as much as possible.

Here is a sample of some cozy bedrooms I am loving. I see a definite pattern here. It looks like neutral tones with bright pops of color will be the way to go.

I have a white comforter, which is a start..

1 comment:

  1. oh wow i love these designs. that vintage bed (4th) is amazing! love!

    photos of your room soon okay!



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