Monday, January 10, 2011

On Improvising

I'm a bit of a planner. I feel uneasy when things aren't mapped out clearly before me. By things I mean everything from the very small (the course of my day, what's for dinner), to the more significant (where I will be five years from now).

2011, for me, is going to be a test in letting go. I think every person, at some point in their life, reaches a really big crossroad. I'm talking about "ten-roads-converging-during-rush-hour" big. Major decisions must be made, the outcomes of which are entirely uncertain. Well, I am standing at that crossroad this year, scratching my head and wondering which path to take.

I could choose to analyze each choice, plan each step, all the while struggling to picture the future life it will lead me to. The planner in me says "Yes, this is logical!", but it's impossible to really know what is to come. At some point, don't you need to just let go and see how events unfold? Sometimes, isn't it best just to "wing it" and trust that everything will fall into place? No big decisions can be made without a leap of faith, on some level, because we just don't know what reality awaits us after the fact.

As I read this, I have to laugh at how mysterious I sound! Perhaps I'm being overly dramatic? I mean, we all go through periods of transition in our lives; We relocate, start new careers, meet new friends, find new hobbies, start families, travel to new places.

I see some of these changes in my future this year, and I think the excitement and possibility is getting the better of me :)

What major life changes have you experienced recently? Do you approach major decisions with your head, heart, or a combination of both? I would love to hear your thoughts!

P.S. This lovely print is part of a postcard set I purchased from Jen Collins of hellojenuine. Love it!


  1. Like you, I tend to over-analyze everything. Which, in my opinion, is fine, but to my husband, it can be annoying, considering, I start to freak out when things don't go as planned.

    That said, I took a leap of faith the other day--I interviewed for a new job in an entirely new industry completely different from what I've known for the past 6 1/2 years. Yikes. I find out the outcome of my interview today and I could not be more nervous about anything else in my life. I'm a ball of nerves and I keep looking at my phone every five minutes to see if they've called. So, in a way, I'm letting my heart take over this one.


  2. I know exactly what you mean. I'm a planner too. I looove making lists. (which my hubby likes to tease me about.) I think women seem to be more like this then men? But I completely agree with you. Sometimes we gotta let go and see what magic happens. :) OK, here's to winging it in 2011! xo

  3. What I really love to plan is my holidays!
    I always read a lot about the country and cities, and also buy books like city guides.
    I found a great apartment for rent Buenos Aires thanks to my wonderful research!


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